Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Suggested Activities

1.  Find Nazareth on a map and then trace your finger along the map until you find Bethlehem.  You might have to google Nazareth to find it on a map of that time period.  Remember, it wasn't a straight road.  It had lots of curves and places to avoid.

2.  Since God wants us to obey him and knows what's best for us, make Mary's answer to God's request, one of the Bible verses that you memorize: "I am the Lord's servant."  Luke 1:38

3.  Discuss "what is a servant?" with your class or family.  How could you be a "servant" to your family?  Brainstorm some ideas and perhaps make a chart with everyone's idea and plan to be a "servant" to one another.

4.  Think of ways you can be a servant to God.  Perhaps you could share this story about Jesus with a friend and invite them to you church.

5.  Finally, can you and your family or classmates use your bodies like statues to create a "real people picture" of the scene at the end of this story.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus?  Maybe you'll have enough people for animals, shepherds, angels and kings.  You can use pets and dolls, too.  Be creative.  Think about how your character was feeling and show that in your facial expression.  Create "levels" by having people stand, kneel, sit or even lie down.  Have someone ready with a camera.  Now freeze for a "statue picture."  I would love to see your pictures!

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