Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Parent/Teacher Guide

   Having been a public school teacher and "Sunday School" teacher, I've included a few ideas to make this book and its activities either a "classroom activity" or a family "devotional."
   The material is basically for K-2 but depending on how involved you are, could be used with younger and a little older children.
   Read the story together and talk about each page and picture.  For example, ask them what they think Mary is feeling.  Ask who, what, where, when kinds of questions and "feelings" questions, either theirs or those expressed in the pictures.
   Depending on the age of the child(ren), you may want to read or have the child(ren) read.
   The activities are planned primarily for a family group or small class and the children may need help finding a map of Nazareth from Biblical times.  They also may need some help in finding a place they know that would be about 80 miles from their home or classroom.  Have them imagine walking that distance.  What would they need to take?  Where would they camp and spend the night?
   The last activity, I call statue pictures.  This should take some time planning.  They will need to create, with their bodies, different levels (standing, kneeling, sitting, lying down) and after they have chosen their "level" and  character, each child should say what their nativity character is and what that character is feeling and why.  Remind them to show this feeling on their faces and in their bodies when you take their statute picture.  (If done by a family, adult members, animals, dolls etc. can be used for their nativity picture.)
   Above all, be creative, have fun, be accepting of everyone's ideas and join me in Thanking God for his beautiful son, Jesus.

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