Monday, November 25, 2013

Bethlehem (story's page 5)

When they arrived in Bethlehem, it was late and no one had room for them in their homes.  In that day, people built their homes over where they kept their animals.  The heat from the animals heated their homes on the cold nights because heat rises.  

Finally, a family took mercy on them and let them sleep below their home with the animals.
Joseph carefully led Mary into the "stable" and made a soft bed of hay for her to lie on.  He placed his robe there and nestled her lovingly, in that humble place.

The Birth of Jesus

FREE BOOK children's book adapted and illustrated by Fran Kinley-Beatty.  Read and make the holidays even more meaningful.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Suggested Activities

1.  Find Nazareth on a map and then trace your finger along the map until you find Bethlehem.  You might have to google Nazareth to find it on a map of that time period.  Remember, it wasn't a straight road.  It had lots of curves and places to avoid.

2.  Since God wants us to obey him and knows what's best for us, make Mary's answer to God's request, one of the Bible verses that you memorize: "I am the Lord's servant."  Luke 1:38

3.  Discuss "what is a servant?" with your class or family.  How could you be a "servant" to your family?  Brainstorm some ideas and perhaps make a chart with everyone's idea and plan to be a "servant" to one another.

4.  Think of ways you can be a servant to God.  Perhaps you could share this story about Jesus with a friend and invite them to you church.

5.  Finally, can you and your family or classmates use your bodies like statues to create a "real people picture" of the scene at the end of this story.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus?  Maybe you'll have enough people for animals, shepherds, angels and kings.  You can use pets and dolls, too.  Be creative.  Think about how your character was feeling and show that in your facial expression.  Create "levels" by having people stand, kneel, sit or even lie down.  Have someone ready with a camera.  Now freeze for a "statue picture."  I would love to see your pictures!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Fran Kinley-Beatty

   Miss Fran is a disciple of Jesus.  She is retired from teaching in the public schools but is currently writing and recording Christian music and writing Christian books.  She earned her Bachelor and Masters degrees from the University of Md. and has taught and performed in the Washington D.C. area all of her adult life.
   Her performances of her earlier original children's music have included The Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap, National Theater, Round House Theater and area schools and parks.
   She is thrilled to be retired from the public school system and creating Christian music and books. 
   She says, "Now, I feel like I'm serving God in everything that I do."  She also feels that her morning "quiet times" inspire her to do the work of the Lord.  She feels blessed because she loves God, children, family, music, books and art.
  " I can hardly wait to share these projects and one day, read to my own grandchildren, as well.  I love you all and would love to hear from you at:
Also, check out
This comes from
You can listen to or purchase my earlier children's music on itunes under "Best of Fran and Friends."
   Meanwhile, I'll be recording my Christian children's music, publishing my novel and starting Bk. 2 of this series about the childhood of Jesus.  

God Bless You All

Parent/Teacher Guide

   Having been a public school teacher and "Sunday School" teacher, I've included a few ideas to make this book and its activities either a "classroom activity" or a family "devotional."
   The material is basically for K-2 but depending on how involved you are, could be used with younger and a little older children.
   Read the story together and talk about each page and picture.  For example, ask them what they think Mary is feeling.  Ask who, what, where, when kinds of questions and "feelings" questions, either theirs or those expressed in the pictures.
   Depending on the age of the child(ren), you may want to read or have the child(ren) read.
   The activities are planned primarily for a family group or small class and the children may need help finding a map of Nazareth from Biblical times.  They also may need some help in finding a place they know that would be about 80 miles from their home or classroom.  Have them imagine walking that distance.  What would they need to take?  Where would they camp and spend the night?
   The last activity, I call statue pictures.  This should take some time planning.  They will need to create, with their bodies, different levels (standing, kneeling, sitting, lying down) and after they have chosen their "level" and  character, each child should say what their nativity character is and what that character is feeling and why.  Remind them to show this feeling on their faces and in their bodies when you take their statute picture.  (If done by a family, adult members, animals, dolls etc. can be used for their nativity picture.)
   Above all, be creative, have fun, be accepting of everyone's ideas and join me in Thanking God for his beautiful son, Jesus.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Miracle (story's page 8)

This miracle is what we, too, celebrate on December 25th and call "Christmas."  You can even find the word "Christ" in Christmas. 

Jesus was called Christ when he became our Savior and later the earliest followers of Jesus were called disciples and then others called them "Christians."  This word also has the word "Christ" in it.  Jesus is Christ, our Savior and I am a Christian.  There are many Christians in the world today.  Discuss with your family or teacher what it means to be a Christian.  

Find a blank piece of paper and draw a picture of one way you celebrate Christmas and what it means.

Three Kings (story's page 7)

Meanwhile, a very bright star shone in the sky above them and was leading three wise men to that manger.  For you see, they, too, knew this was a very special birth and they had travelled far with expensive gifts to honor Jesus' birth.

There were also shepherds on the hills around Bethlehem, staying with their sheep to protect them from lions.  Suddenly the night became magical with angels flying, singling and telling the shepherds about Jesus.  They all were led to the stable and bowed down and worshiped this small baby, even the animals. 

Nativity Scene (story's page 6)

How do you think Mary felt there with the animals, without the help of her women friends and family?  I think she might have been tired and a little frightened.  I would have been.  But, remember, God was with them and Mary did give birth to a healthy, beautiful, baby boy.  He would be like other baby boys, but sleeping in a bed of hay where the animals ate, called a "manger."

Joseph and Mary were amazed and loved him immediately as his sweet little face gazed up at them?

Traveling (story's page 4)

When Joseph was required to travel to Bethlehem to have his family counted by the Roman government, he decided that he must take Mary with him.  Normally, he would never think of taking Mary with him on a journey of about 80 miles, especially since she was so close to giving birth.

So, he prayed for God's protection and gently placed Mary and their belongings on a small donkey.  Joseph walked and led her.  The journey was long and difficult.  It took them about a week and they had to make a camp each night to eat and rest.  It was hot during the day but cold at night in this rough desert country.

Joseph (story's p.3)

Joseph Hears the Angel

Of course, the angel also appeared to Joseph and told him that Mary would have a baby by the Holy Spirit and that they were to name the baby boy, Jesus.

Many of the people in the village didn't believe Mary, at all.  They thought that she had disobeyed their law.  No one understood and Joseph feared that she would be punished for it.

Mary and the Angel (story's page 2)

One evening, an angel appeared to Mary and told her that the Holy Spirit would visit her and she would give birth to the Son of God.

Now, Mary was an obedient young woman and loved God.  That means that she agreed to God's plan for her even though she knew that it would be very difficult.  She thought that some people wouldn't believe that her baby was the son of God.

Mary (story's page 1)



Once upon a time, far away, in a country called Judea, there was a very small Jewish village called Nazareth.  In that village, lived a young teenage girl, named Mary.  Well, yes, this is about Jesus but we have to start with Mary because she played a very important part in this story.
So get comfortable and listen to the beginning of this story about how Mary became the mother of our Savior Jesus.


When I was a little girl, my grandmother, Dessie Kinley, taught me my first Bible stories and verses.  That was such an important part of my life.  

Now, I have two grown sons and I look forward to the day that I will be a grandmother, too.  I want to continue this with you and my own grandchildren, as well.

Mary Benton suggested that I begin to write and plan this book.  "What a great idea!" I said.  And so I began.

The Bible is my favorite book.  It is the holy words of God and has great power.  It gives us hope and wisdom in a world where it is greatly needed.  Above all, it shows us how very much God loves you and me.

I have so many  favorite stories and verses but instead of starting at the beginning, with God and his creations, I am starting with the most important person in all of history, Jesus, the son of God.

The Birth of Jesus

The cover

(Inside the cover)

copyright July 2011
dedicated to Dessie Bennett-Kinley
and all her descendants 

(next page)

Many thanks to the interest, time, suggestions and encouragement of Mary Benton and my friends and family at my church.

(next page)

(next page)
Table of Contents

Mary and the angel
Traveling to Bethlehem
The Birth of Jesus
A Magical Night
Parent/Teacher Guide
Suggested individual, family or classroom activities
About the Author/Illustrator